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Submerged-arc welding powder for joining and weld surfacing

Submerged-arc welding powder for joining and weld surfacing

NT® Agglomerated welding powder

BRAND NT® Standard designation in conformance with EN 760 Type Application and properties
NT® Flux 1 A AR 1 76 AC Aluminate rutile Universally applicable for low-alloy structural steels with wire electrodes S1/S2, S2 Mo, S2 Cr Mo, wall thickness up to 20 m; well suited for single- and multiple-wire joining and fillet welds with good weld forming at high welding speeds

NT® Flux 1.1

A AR 1 77 AC Aluminate rutile In correspondence with BF 1, with increased manganese pick-up and highest weldability at the negative pole; thus well suited for welding with high recovery, or weld surfacing, or both.
NT® Flux 4 A AB 1 76 AC H5 Aluminate basic For joining and weld surfacing of structural steels, fine-grained structural steels, and boiler steels up to 420 N/mm2 with wire electrodes S2/S4, S2 Mo; hard surfacing with solid and flux-cored wires; very high slag detachability and mechanical property values, even at high welding current.
NT® Flux 4.2
NT® Flux 4.3
A AB 1 77 AC H5
A AB 1 77 AC  
Aluminate basic
Aluminate basic
For joining of thin-walled longitudinally welded pipes; version for spirally welded pipes.

NT® Flux 4Cr 1

A AB 3 66 Aluminate basic Welding powder with chromium support for weld surfacing, for instance, of continuous casting rolls with wires and strips of alloys 13 Cr, 17 Cr, 17 Cr1Mo, 13 Cr4Ni and similar materials.

NT®Flux 4 NiMo

A AB 3 66 AC Aluminate basic Welding powder with Ni-Mo-alloy pick-up for weld surfacing of continuous casting rolls with 13-17% Cr strips.
NT® Flux 6.5 A FB 1 67 AC H5 Fluoride basic Highly diversified applicability with single- and multiple-pass technology with optimal weld-forming properties; constant property values at low hydrogen contents in combination with wire electrodes S2/S3, S2 Mo, S3 NiMo 1, and Ti B alloys; best suited for the production of longitudinally welded pipe because of the high current-carrying capacity and the resulting good high-speed welding properties; in combination with appropriate submerged-arc wires and the corresponding welding technology, well suited for satisfying the requirements for low-temperature ductility and resistance to sour gas.
NT® Flux 6.4 A FB 1 67 AC H5 Fluorid-Basisch Version of welding powder BF 6.5; because of the supporting action of the powder slag which is formed, employed preferentially for welding of circumferential seams > 500 mm in diameter (also for the manufacture of spirally welded pipes) by the single- and multiple-wire process; low powder consumption and good feeding properties in automated powder pick-up systems.
NT® Flux 7 A AB 1 56 AC H5 Aluminate basic Universal powder for all welding tasks on low-alloy structural steels, fine-grained structural steels up to S420 N, as well as boiler steel 16 Mo 3, with wire electrodes S2/S3 and S2 Mo; by virtue of the well-balanced Si and Mn pick-up, well suited for the manufacture of plant components which are exposed to sour gas or ammonia during operation; also suited for subsequent galvanising because of the low Si content in the weld metal; likewise applicable for weld surfacing with solid and flux-cored electrodes.
NT® Flux 10 A FB 1 55 AC H5 Fluoride basic Neutrally adjusted welding powder for single- and multiple-pass welding of high-temperature-resistant steels (13 CrMo 4-5, 10 CrMo 9-10, 15 NiCuMoNb 5, 20 MnMoNi 5 5, etc.), fine-grained structural steels with enhanced low-temperature ductility (S 420 NL), and for offshore construction.
Wire electrodes: For applications at low temperatures: S3 Si
On request “Step cooling”: S1 CrMo 2
Please consult us for further special applications.
NT® Flux 25 A AF 2 66 AC Aluminate-fluoride
For joining welds with high-alloy wire electrodes of the same composition on corrosion- and heat-resistant Cr-, CrNi(Mo)-, and NiCr(Mo)-alloys, duplex steels, and low-temperature Ni steels; weld surfacing with high-alloy flux-cored wires, flux-cored strip, and sintered strip.
NT® Flux 800 A AR 3 79 AC Aluminate rutile Welding powder with Cr-Mn support for wear-resistant weld surfacing with wire electrodes S1-S3, S2 Mo.


NT® Prefused flux

BRAND NT® Standard designation in conformance with EN 760 Type Application and properties
NT® Flux WP 250 F MS 1 88 AC Manganese silicate Vitreous, prefused flux containing manganese, with a slightly acidic characteristic; universally applicable for joining of low-alloy materials with tensile strength up to 510 N/mm2; good welding characteristics for the single- and multiple-wire process with a high degree of reliability for avoiding pores; very well suited for high-speed welding of thin sheets, as well as weld surfacing with solid and flux-cored electrodes (also Stellites (®)).
NT® Flux WP 280 F CS 1 65 AC H5 Calcium silicate Vitreous prefused welding flux for a wide variety of applications with the single- and multiple-wire process on unalloyed and low-alloy steels, boiler steels, and non-ageing steels with wire electrodes S2/S4, S2 Mo/S4 Mo, and S2 CrMo 1.
NT® Flux WP 380 F CS 2 73 AC H5 Calcium silicate Prefused flux for joining and weld surfacing high-temperature-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and heat-resistant steels, as well as for “black-and-white” joints.
Appropriate wire electrodes:
Geeignete Drahtelektroden:
S1 CrMo 2
S1 CrMo 5
S2 CrMoWV 12 1
as well as stainless-steel and chemically resistant wire electrodes, as specified in
DIN 8556, EN 12072

Additional powder grades available on request