High speed spraying
- Energy is transferred to the particles by means of a heat source with acceleration and velocity of the particles all the way to the substrate; Tparticle and Vparticle are controlled by the properties of the heat source.
- The spread of particles over the substrate depends on Tsubstrate, Tparticle, and Vparticle upon impact.
- Upon solidification of the molten particles, the resultant structure depends on Tsubstrate, Tparticle, and Vparticle.
- The cladding is produced by superposition of many particles.
Layer composition
- No appreciable heating of the workpiece (no change in structure, no distortion)
- Applicability of the process without limitation by the component material, size, or geometry
- Suitability for complicated component shapes
- Cladding with metals, ceramic materials, Cermets, and even plastics
- Claddings applicable locally over a limited area as well as over a large area