NT® Powder mixtures with tungsten carbide
BRAND NT® | Weld metal Standard analysis, % |
Hardness | Applications and Properties | Process | |
NT® NiBSi+WSC | C Si Ni B W |
2,3 1,8 37,6 1,8 Remainder |
> 60 HRC | Mixture of self-flowing NiBSi alloy of medium hardness (50 HRC) with angular tungsten carbides in a ratio of 40/60; increase in hardness by dispersion of tungsten carbide in the matrix for effectively enhancing the wear resistance; excellent working and machining properties by virtue of the self-flowing feature; alloy concept very well suited for components subject to extremely severe wear, such as tools employed in open-pit mining or oil production; highly economical operation because of the very long service life | PTA PS HVOF |
NT® NiBSi+WSC-S | C Si Ni B W |
2,3 1,8 37,6 1,8 Remainder |
> 60 HRC | Similar to NT® NiBSi+WSC, but containing globular tungsten carbides in a ratio of 40/60; improved wetting properties in the matrix in comparison with angular tungsten carbide | PTA PS HVOF |
NT® NiCrBSi+WSC | C Si Ni Cr B W |
2,5 2,6 Remainder 9,6 2,1 38,0 |
> 60 HRC | Mixture of very hard (60 HRC) self-flowing NiCrBSi alloy with angular tungsten carbides in a ratio of 60/40 | PTA PS HVOF |
NT® NiCrBSi+WSC-S | C Si Ni Cr B W |
2,5 2,6 Remainder 9,6 2,1 38,0 |
> 60 HRC | Similar to NT® NiCr-WSC, but containing globular tungsten carbides in a ratio of 60/40 | PTA PS HVOF |
Further powder alloy types available on request.
Custom made PTA - Hard coating using NiBSi + Tungsten carbide (TC)
Wolframkarbid Erz Wolframkarbid Erz
Wsc-Feinniedrigkeit e87% Wsc-Feinniedrigkeit e87%
GW/NiBSi + 60% WSC GW/NiBSi + 60% WSC
NiBSi + 60%WSC NiBSi + 60%WSC
Anbindungszone WSC Anbindungszone WSC
NT Lite 21 + 60 % WSC NT Lite 21 + 60 % WSC
NT Lite 21+60%WSC 250x NT Lite 21+60%WSC 250x
NT Lite 21+60%WSC 1000x NT Lite 21+60%WSC 1000x
Example surface mining Example surface mining
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